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Our Mission

LTYC LEARN is committed to igniting creativity and inspiring us all to reimagine the art of learning.

By providing a creative space, ideas and resources are shared, creative opportunities are experienced, collaboration takes place amongst artists, art lovers, advocates, and practitioners of all ages, and arts learning communities are born.

Through arts education programs and more, Leaders of Tomorrow Youth Center, Inc. enriches the lives of thousands of underserved youth in the Maryland and District of Columbia school systems, empowering them to develop their artistic talents and achieve their greatest potential. Since its inception in 2004, LTYC has continuously expanded its programming, geographic outreach, and calendar, building more and stronger relationships among students, families, and the community. With an extended network of artists, educators, and consultants, LTYC is committed to fostering positive social development, academic success, and creativity in the minds of youth today. In LTYC’s constant quest to stay ahead of the curve, be the light in the dark places, and meet the needs of all of its varied partners, stakeholders, communities, and families, LTYC LEARN is an online arts learning system for educators, students, and families. Though conceived before the Covid 19 pandemic hit, LEARN is even more timely now to support communities having a way to create, build and LEARN more about the arts, and its power and benefit. 


What We Do

Inspire. Create. Learn.

LTYC LEARN is part of the larger vision of Leaders of Tomorrow Youth Center, Inc to develop social skills, academic success, creativity, and leadership. LEARN helps to expand that vision by connecting lovers of the arts from all over the world, with a focus on the learning and creative process.


Meet The Team


Dana Carr


Dana Carr is the Executive Director of Leaders of Tomorrow Youth Center, Inc, whose mission is to empower youth through the arts, academics, and social development. She has served as an administrator, mentor, teacher, curriculum writer and instructional coach, giving her a diverse background of experiences to share with those teachers and students she works with. Dana holds her master’s degree in Secondary Education from the University of Maryland with certifications in arts integration, teaching artistry and organizational development. She is passionate about differentiating instruction and ensuring that all students have equitable access to a quality education that is inclusive of the arts; one that is engaging, creative and student-centered. She is committed to empowering educators to implement best practices including culturally responsive teaching, social emotional learning and technology integration. A Baltimore native, Dana has done extensive work and most enjoys working in inner city school systems and urban environments, helping teachers to tap into their students’ full potential. She has presented at the Arts Integration, Maryland Arts Summit, MOST, and Culturally Responsive Teaching Conferences Dana was recently selected to serve on the Maryland Fine Arts Education Advisory Panel and the Baltimore Arts Education Initiative Advisory Committee. She also serves on the Family Engagement Committee at Center Stage. 


Sarah Ross

Program and Education Associate

Sarah (Saz) Ross is an Educational Associate for Leaders of Tomorrow Youth Center. She is an LTYC leadership team member, curriculum writer, art education mentor, illustrator, and creative workshop facilitator. With a master’s in art education, Saz has taught visual art in Baltimore City, Baltimore County, and Howard County, Maryland. She is currently a roster artist for the Maryland State Department of Education, where she designs interactive art workshops for teachers needing credits towards maintaining their certification. Pen and ink illustration is Saz’s main medium as an illustrator and she enjoys designing creative professional development workshops for educational institutions and businesses centered on the value of illustrative storytelling. Saz believes that everyone is creative and she plans on helping others access their inner artist for many more years to come.


Lauren Blackwell

Executive Administrator

Lauren Blackwell is a Baltimore native and graduate of Morgan State University with a BS Degree in Communication Studies, Broadcast Journalism. Her professional journey began in the private sector working for leading financial institutions including T. Rowe Price and Morgan Stanley. Since her full-time transition into the non-profit world with Leaders of Tomorrow Youth Center (LTYC), she has served as the Executive Administrator. Throughout her service with LTYC she has fulfilled all administrative functions of the organization, provided leadership and guidance to staff, Human Resources and the marketing team as well implemented the LTYC SHOP. Lauren is a true advocate for the arts and is proud to work for an organization that exposes youth to arts education, cultural experiences and leadership.